Saturday, September 24, 2016

A hello from the Den Mother

Hello everyone, 
You can call me the den mother, because that tends to be my roll in life. I am a 29 year old dog mom, horse mom, iguana mom, ... oh yeah, and a few humans too.  I started a Pack of Our Own with one of the other blogger dog moms on this group because we were both devastated at the cost of fully trained service animals, and wanted to help provide and alternative approach while providing support and education to self training service dog teams.

 Now for the introductions! (and a shameless brag of how cute my pack of fluffers are!)

The Mighty Athena 

My first Service Dog who survived a poisoning like the warrior she is, but she sustained long term damage to her kidney and liver and because of that she is looking at early retirement.

The Gentle Lenore

My AKC German Shepherd, who was bought as a prospect but didn't have the right polish to be a service dog. She remains a loving and important member of our pack.

The Tenacious Nova

This precious little one has had quiet the rough start in the world at only 5 weeks old. I plan on doing a  complete blog entry on the rescue of she and her litter mate, Kaylee. While the most important part of bringing home these 2 sisters was saving them, we hope that she will be a good prospect for my new service dog.
I look forward to getting to know you and helping you along the way. If you have a specific need you want addressed or a question you want answered - please be sure and comment for our weekly Q & A!

Happy Tails!
- The Den Mother


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